Private Labels: Are made exclusively for companies, there are low minimums, no setup fees, and the Owner of the Private Label has exclusivity. You would be the only person that can sell the Private Label we make for you.
Private Labels are ideal for showcasing an event, something special about your area, shop, etc. that will set your business apart from others.
Here are some ideas: Hot Air Balloon Events, Strawberry Days, your state flower, your shop name such as Busy Bees Quilt Shop.
You can provide your own artwork or we can create it for you. Call or email Karen Raum at (303) 581-0009 or artsi2@aol.com to see what we can do for you.
The Quilted Butterfly also known as ALB Fabrics, has a great selection of Artsi2 Quilt Boards. They have a wonderful line of Private Labels, which is a collection of designs that is exclusively theirs. The collection includes Lighthouses in North Carolina, a Sea Turtle, Dolphin and so much more.
Quilted Butterfly contact Information:
Email: contact@albfabrics.com
Phone: (252) 222-0787